
Some pictures and information about the Salwyrr Launcher to help you create content

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Salwyrr Launcher

Salwyrr Launcher full white logo
Salwyrr Launcher full logo

This is the full Salwyrr Launcher logo, used in the main menu, in-game menu, and launch screen

Salwyrr Launcher full dark logo
Salwyrr Launcher full logo
Dark version

This is the full Salwyrr Launcher logo in dark version

Salwyrr Launcher abbreviated logo
Salwyrr Launcher abbreviated logo

This is the abbreviated Salwyrr Launcher logo, used in the launch screen, Discord, and Twitter

Salwyrr Launcher colors

Background color

HEX: #141414
RGB: 20, 20, 20

Button color

HEX: #faa00a
RGB: 250, 160, 10

Text color

HEX: #fafafa
RGB: 250, 250, 250


Salwyrr full logo
Salwyrr full logo

This is the full Salwyrr logo, used in the launcher launch screen, and some websites

Salwyrr abbreviated logo
Salwyrr abbreviated logo

This is the abbreviated Salwyrr logo, used on some websites

Salwyrr Launcher Discord servers

Salwyrr Launcher main Discord
Salwyrr Launcher Discord logo: International

Salwyrr Launcher French Discord
Salwyrr Launcher Discord logo: France

Salwyrr Launcher Spain Discord
Salwyrr Launcher main Discord logo: EspaƱa

Salwyrr Launcher Brazil Discord
Salwyrr Launcher main Discord logo: Brasil

Salwyrr Launcher Mods

Salwyrr Launcher key mod
Key mod

Salwyrr Launcher backgrounds

Salwyrr Launcher background 1
Morning background
Salwyrr Launcher background 1
Midday background
Salwyrr Launcher background 1
Afternoon background
Salwyrr Launcher background 1
Evening background
Salwyrr Launcher background 1
Night background